Almond Guard - A New Way to Secure Your Home

Almond Guard - A New Way to Secure Your Home

The most
intuitive Router.

Now supports ZigBeeTM for a smarter
and more connected home.

3 Minute Touchscreen Setup

3 Minute
Touchscreen Setup



Router or Range Extender or Access Point or Wireless Bridge

Universally Compatible

Universally Compatible

Any ISP Modem (Cable/DSL/Fiber).
Any Existing Router in Extender Mode.
PC, Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android.
Hundreds of Sensors.

Almond 2015

One Box to do it all.

With Almond-2015 you don’t need another hub to control your smarthome devices. The smarthome is already built into it.

Learn more

If you’re looking for a router that can power your future (or present!) smart home, they (Almond 2015 and Almond+) are very interesting options.


It combines top-tier technical specs with a pretty face. And now it does home automation, too.

Tech Crunch

Almond’s routers provide an easy way to manage a bunch of disparate sensors and make them work together, all the while working as capable internet routers.



Connect to
Hundreds of Sensors


Control Remotely
using a Mobile App

Receive Instant Notifications

Receive Instant

Powerful Rule Creator

Powerful Rule Creator

Triggers, Events, Schedules

Home Automation Standards

Home Automation

Works with Your Favorite Brands


Works with Your Favorite Brands

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